November 21, 1999

I've let this thing slip entirely too long. Only news to report is that I'm officially going by the prodigy address now ( (flip first and second parts) and Gaming Intelligence is back. Don't expect me to stay with Prodigy more than a year, I usually get a 26.4 connection, but I gave that address to Chessex for contact next summer - the only time they produce Wiz-War expansion sets.

June 10, 1999

Not a whole lot to report, but it had been too long since I updated things. I finally remembered to update Rachel's name on the friends page. I updated frequent links, and checked for general link rot.

Otherwise, I've been sold again. Apparnetly Cable & Wireless decided they didn't want to be an ISP after all, and, although still officially pending, I've been sold to Prodigy, which near as I can tell is just another ISP at this point. That is one reason I haven't looked for a new web home yet. I'll see how the transition goes, and if I even stay there see how Prodigy's web space is. In the mean time, my apologies for having to put up with the doom-bar.

March 21, 1999

Wizard's Weave isn't dead! Okay, so at the moment they are still mostly dead, but they twitched recently, and now have a web page where you can buy Rings of Power, or download the best parts of it free. Support these guys - they might actually finish volume two or more.

Oh, and you have been warned: this web page may have to move again soon. As you may have noticed, Xoom went back on their word (I'm sure they had a "We may change the terms of service" clause somewhere to cover their hiene) and is now putting ads on the page in addition to sending them to me, which is not what I came here for.

Febuary 23, 1999

I've moved (Or at least I'm in the process of moving) into a small townhouse which is much closer to work. Updated snail-mail and e-mail addresses can be found on the more about me page.

Oh, and I found the new web site, now appearing in the links section.

January 24, 1999

Hi, and welcome to my new top page format, shamelessly copied from Rubicon Games' website. Even though I probably don't have any frequent visitors, anyone who does drop by can now see at a glance exaclty what is new and interesting, instead of searching around on a page noted as new below. For starters, There is now a single text file for anyone wanting to read my Only the Roses Remember quest for Everway. A week or two ago, I also added the Gateway Magic school to the aforementioned Everway section, and found and fixed a few typos in the process. The link to my place of work was moved to the more about me page (Justin Love link on main page), and there were a few updates to the links and friends sections. Oh, and you've probably also noticed the mini-link list at the top of the main page, since the main one is getting pushed down by the What's New section.