The Path of Chaos.
Walking down the path of Chaos makes one feel different, and
not necessarily in a good way. Roll Three dice, and refer to the
charts below. The path of chaos may not cause a trait to go below
zero or above the characters normal trait maximum. Each trip down
the Path of Chaos costs one positive karma.
First die: area
1,2,3: Attributes 4,5: Talents 6,7: Skills 8,9: Knowledges 0: other traits (Extra abilities, arts, etc; chaos may not effect karma knowledge; if none, reroll or randomly select a special ability from a players guide or other appropriate source to be possible gained. You may also choose to include Willpower in this category.)Second die: trait
1: -2 2,3,4,5: -1 6,7,8,9: +1 0: +2